Individuals: Create Awesome Graphics Like a Pro!

From one generation to another, apps like Photoshop have been the go-to editing software of almost everyone to remove background from photos. These tools also help them produce simple to extraordinary designs. But nowadays, we are being presented with more efficient alternatives that we can use to attain the same and even better results. Removal.AI […]

Yen Pedrajas December 18, 2021 10 min read

5 Product Photography Trends to Incorporate Into Your Work

The year 2021 is almost over and it’s time to start thinking about the future. New product photography trends emerge and fade pretty quickly, partially thanks to the ephemeral nature of social media apps like Instagram. As a photographer it’s important to keep up with customer demand, so whether you’re shooting a fashion spread, a […]

Yen Pedrajas November 16, 2021 7 min read

Removal.AI, A Powerful Photo Editor for Photographers

A photograph can arouse a lot of emotions by taking advantage of a background that helps illustrate the whole story. A good background will make up the whole setting and provide the subject with a distinct tone and personality. Hence, as a photographer, you must make it a habit to recharge yourself with efficient background […]

Yen Pedrajas November 5, 2021 8 min read

AI in Digital Marketing: Exploring the Future with Computer Vision

Since their inception, AI and Machine Learning have greatly created an impact in our daily lives and have improved the way we do things. While AI technology intends to mimic the capabilities of the human brain, Machine Learning would help it learn even further by identifying patterns to perform its tasks better. Although still far […]

Yen Pedrajas October 23, 2021 7 min read

Web Design and Development: Improve Your Workflow with AI

Web Design and Development has been making a remarkable shift towards boosting the user interface. These changes provide users with a better browsing experience. Artificial Intelligence is now taking part in the evolution of web development as it aids by integrating solutions to various design tasks. A good and effective workflow yields a better result. […]

Yen Pedrajas October 16, 2021 9 min read

Car Dealership: Taking Your Sales Farther with Removal.AI

The future of the car dealership business will not only rely on the cars themselves but also on the landscape of how their distribution will be. Car Dealership is currently one of the most riveting industry sectors, considering it’s undergoing a period of rapid innovation to adjust to the changing customer demands and behavior and […]

Yen Pedrajas October 9, 2021 9 min read

14 Sites to Download Free Purple Background Images

Purple is such an interesting color. It is a combination of red and blue so it comes off as both warm and cool, depending on its intensity. It is often associated with royalty because this dye was once only available for wealthy rulers. Purple was historically expensive which is why people see it as prestigious […]

Yen Pedrajas September 29, 2021 11 min read

AI Vs Humans: Who’s Better at Photo Editing?

The idea of replacing routine jobs with technology, especially with AI, has always been met with a lot of suspicions. Can technology actually provide the same quality as that of manual work, and which has already been mastered by many for years? Will AI eventually cause us to lose our jobs? These concerns are also […]

Yen Pedrajas September 10, 2021 8 min read

How to Take a Passport Photo That You Won’t Hate?

Terrible haircut, a shiny face, prominent eye bags, weird facial expression—you name it! There is always a reason why most people hate their passport pictures. The horror of having to live up with an unflattering photo on your most important travel document can be frightening. If you want to capture the best passport photo, then […]

Yen Pedrajas September 4, 2021 6 min read