Get full-resolution images

Take photo editing to the next level with an affordable background remover.

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1 free high-res download

1 free high-res download

Unlimited free previews on Removal.AI

Unlimited free previews on Removal.AI

50 free previews via API and app

50 free previews via API and app

Free forever Recommended for personal use


$0.13per image
0.15 / image $ 5.99
0.13 / image $ 25.99
0.13 / image $ 63.99
0.10 / image $ 120.90
0.07 / image $ 359.90
Auto Renew

Next renewal:

Risk-free: 14-day money-back guarantee Full refund within 14 days if you are unsatisfied with the results. Restricted to 50 downloads.
Flexible: upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime No long-term obligation: All plans can be cancelled or upgraded/downgraded any time.
Fair: unused credits roll over as long as you keep subscribing Roll over up to 5x your monthly credit budget month to month. Credits are valid as long as you're subscribed.


$0.90per image
1.89 / image $ 1.89
0.90 / image $ 8.99
0.61 / image $ 45.99
0.48 / image $ 95.99
0.38 / image $ 189.99
Pay Only Once. Credits available for use within 3 years

All plans include

Unlimited free previews on Removal.AI

Remove background and change background color

Removal.AI for Adobe Photoshop

API and Apps for Windows/Mac/Linux

Flexible solution

Unlimited API access

Don't know your exact usage volume? Are you looking for a more flexible solution? Get in touch with us to get the best pricing plan for your needs!

Process an unlimited number of images

Get full access to our tool with an unlimited number of credits. Remove background and download your images in HD without limits.

24/7 Technical support

Connect with our specialists via private communication lines. Get consultations and technical solutions from our experts for FREE.

Trusted by thousands of start-ups and large enterprises

Special policy for start-ups and large enterprises with customized solutions for unique challenges.

Get a quote!response in 2 hours

Advanced technology at an affordable price

Removal.AI support is currently available in English only.

This form is protected by reCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are credits?

A credit enables you to download high-resolution cutouts processed by Removal.AI. Therefore, 1 high-quality image download will require you 1 credit. You can use Removal.AI credits via our online tool, our API, by using our background remover app Mac/Windows, or for any future Removal.AI tools.

What type of images are supported by Removal.AI?

You can upload any .jpg or .png type of image with up to 12MB size and the images must have a clear subject to get the best background removal output.

If the image resolution is larger than 12 megapixels (for example, 6250x5000px), the image is resized to this maximum resolution.

Should I choose monthly subscriptions or lifetime plans?

Monthly package: our most popular and cheapest background remover plan. This is most suitable for businesses with a stable volume of images processed monthly. The more images you plan to process, the cheaper you pay.

Lifetime: our lifetime package allows you to use your Removal.AI credits within three (3) years. If you only need to use our background remover tool from time to time, this is the best option for you.

Unlimited: this is best for start-ups that find it hard to currently estimate the number of images they need to get processed on a monthly basis. With this plan, you can process a large number of images without worrying about credit shortage or overpayment.

What if I am unsatisfied with the results?

For all our users, we recommend uploading a few images first using the free version to get an impression of the quality level for your specific images.

We also give a free credit that allows you one (1) high-resolution download by signing up.

All subscriptions are covered by a 14-Day money-back Guarantee: You get a full refund within 14 days if you are unsatisfied with the results. Have a look at our Refund Policy.

For subscriptions with 7,500 credits per month or more: You only pay for images that meet your required quality level.

Is Removal.AI Free?

Yes, Removal.AI is 100% FREE background remover for low-resolution images (0.25 megapixels) and personal uses. You can review Removal.AI's pricing plans for commercial uses or higher resolution.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Can I upgrade/downgrade/cancel my subscriptions?

Yes, you can, at any time.

What payment methods do you support?

We support both Credit Card and Paypal payments.


每月通过API和应用免费预览50次 对于 Adobe Photoshop 对于 Windows/Mac/Linux



答:您可以上传最大12 MB的任何JPG或PNG图像。 图像必须具有明显要成为前景的主题,例如人,动物,产品或汽车(更多信息)。 如果图像分辨率大于12兆像素(例如6250×4000像素或任何其他长宽比),则将其调整为该最大分辨率。


答:目前remove.ai适用于人物,产品和汽车的照片,但某些图像比其他图像更具挑战性。 我们建议您将一些图像上传到免费版本,以了解特定图像的质量水平。 您也可以通过注册免费尝试1张图片。

所有订阅均享有14天退款保证:如果您对结果不满意,则可以在14天内获得全额退款(仅限50次下载)。 看看我们的退款政策。

每月拥有7500积分或更多积分的订阅:您只需为满足所需质量级别的图像付费。 了解更多有关质量保证的信息…

答:–是的,removing.ai是100%免费的,对于低分辨率图像(0.25兆像素)和个人使用来说始终免费。 对于商业用途或更高分辨率,我们提供

