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New Feature! How To Remove Background Using Background Eraser Tool

Manually edit and remove background of your image using Removal.AI’s new feature – “Erase and Restore Tool”.

So, Here is a Basic Tutorial on How to Edit the Background using This NEW FEATURE!

How to use the Background Eraser tool

Step 1: Get your image ready

Step 2: Upload your image. Click ‘UPLOAD IMAGE’ or drag-and-drop your image.

Removal AI Background Eraser Tool

Step 3: Once the image is processed, choose to ‘Erase & Restore,’ and select an image size.

Removal AI Background Eraser Tool

You will be redirected to a new window where you can manually edit your image.

Step 4: Use the Eraser tool to manually edit your image.

Eraser Tool Functions and Shortcuts:

1. Zoom Image In & Out

How to use:

Option 1

Step 1: To zoom in, click on the magnifying glass with a + symbol
Step 2: To zoom out, click on the magnifying glass with a – symbol

Background Eraser Tool

Option 2

Step 3: Choose size manually by selecting a size from the list

Background Eraser Tool


Zoom In: mousewheel down
Zoom Out: mousewheel up
Background Eraser Tool

2. Move Image

Note: Not available at 100% preview. Image needs to be zoomed out to use the Move Image function.

How to use:

Step 1: Click on the move button
Step 2: Click and drag the image.

Background Eraser Tool


Press and Hold Space button + mouse left click, then drag.
Background Eraser Tool

3. Restore Image.

How to use:

Step 1: Click the restore button
Step 2: Click, drag and draw with your mouse on the area/s you want to restore.

Background Eraser Tool

4. Eraser Image

How to use:

Step 1: Click the erase button
Step 2: Click, drag and draw with your mouse on the area/s you want to erase.

Background Eraser Tool

5. Adjust Brush Size

How to use:

Step 1: Click the rounded control to adjust the brush size from 1px to 100px

Background Eraser Tool

Mouse right click long press + drag left (to decrease brush size) or drag right (to increase brush size).

Background Eraser Tool

6. Undo

How to use:

Step 1: Click the undo button to undo the last action (click multiple times as needed).

Background Eraser Tool

Shortcut: Ctrl + Z (perform multiple times as needed)

Background Eraser Tool

7. Redo

How to use:

Step 1: Click the undo button to undo the last action (click multiple times as needed).

Background Eraser Tool

Shortcut: Ctrl + Y (perform multiple times as needed)

Background Eraser Tool

Step 5: Download Your Image

Step 1: Click download image

Background Eraser Tool

Take full control of removing background from your images using our Background Eraser Tool. Try it now and have fun!